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Welcome Summer!

The sun is shining, and my gardens are flourishing! While I tend to my green babies, I am turning over new ideas for new books. I mean, the laptop can come out to join me on my swing, with my glass of tea, and we can mull over how the next chapter will go. (Unless the characters run away with the darn book!)

Still available to you, my wonderful readers, is my short story, The Honeymoon, features Roderick Roberts. You met him in Can't Outrun Destiny, and his story is told in Freeing Destiny. Now join the happy couple on their honeymoon. Best of all this is FREE!!! Download your copy and enjoy a quickie (wink, wink, lol). I have paper copies available at shows only. The requests kept coming, so I got some printed. 

The appearances page is updated. Then life threw a curve ball, so my apologies. I can say I squeezed in a few extra appearances this year, thanks to other Wandering Wordsmiths. Stay tuned to see all the places we will be! Pop by the new Wandering Wordsmiths Reader page for new releases, info, and author fun. Also find me on Facebook, Instagram, Threads, and Twitter.   

I do ask for one tiny little favor from all of you. Leave some reviews. They will move my books up in standing to be more noticed. I thank you from the bottom of my keyboard for those few minutes of your time. 



Warmest regards -Patricia


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